I was intrigued by Vadim Tropashko's SQL Design Patterns. I'm not a SQL guy, so like lots of developers, I think of databases as places to put data, from which to retrieve it, and which occasionally need tuning. I don't think of the execution engine as something that virtually can create additional information for me. I've written maybe two pivot queries in my life, for example. Someone who's adept with Mathematica, or Excel for that matter, can do things in a minute that would take a Java developer days, since a SQL rowset is a very impoverished data structure in Java.
Anyway, I saw an immediate use for Tropashko's "interval coalesce" algorithm. The problem is, given a collection of intervals, to coalesce those that overlap, and thus produce a small collection of non-overlapping intervals. Well, "immediate" is misleading; I waited a year to do this. Anyway, I fired up Oracle XE and made up some data. Then I entered the query on p. 37…only to find out that there's a typo in it. Several hours later, I figured out where it was:
SELECT fst.x, lst.y -- Find two endpoints.
FROM intervals fst, intervals lst WHERE fst.x < lst.y
AND NOT EXISTS ( -- There's no interval beginning between these endpoints...
SELECT * FROM intervals i
WHERE i.x > fst.x AND i.x < lst.y
AND NOT EXISTS ( -- ...for which there's no covering interval.
SELECT * FROM intervals cov
WHERE i.x > cov.x AND i.x <= cov.y
SELECT * FROM intervals cov
WHERE cov.x < fst.x AND fst.x <= cov.y
OR cov.x <= lst.y AND lst.y < cov.y
You might notice a discrepancy from the query in the book...and I've reported the erratum!
Tropashko goes on to show a more elegant and efficient way to produce this result, but at this point I wanted to get back to my own practical problem, which was to coalesce intervals defined in an XML document. Since the query above involves three self-joins, I could expect n^4 performance if I simply turned Tropashko's SQL into XPath. However, an XML document is inherently ordered (there's no ANSI SQL equivalent to following-sibling::*[1]). If I sorted the intervals according to their left end, i.e. wrote an XSLT to preprocess the input, then I could simply iterate through the intervals one time, gradually coalescing them where possible. The code falls into a pattern familiar to functional programmers. In other words, I apply a template to the first interval in the document, and that template calls a second template that uses "accumulators" for the current coalesced interval. This pattern is also used in Jeni Tennison's (http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/index.html) <span style="font-style: italic;">XSLT on the Edge</span> as a way of grouping adjacent elements. I wanted to avoid XPath stunts like Tropashko's SQL, because I will have to apply this transform to documents with 10s of 1000s of data points. I very deliberate select only following-sibling::*[1].
Since blogger's editor widget hacks up my XSLT in horrifying ways, and I can't attach text files, I had to format this XSTL with non-breaking spaces and whatnot. Let me know if you want the real thing. Let's say the input looks like this (it must be sorted, perhaps by another XSLT, by starting time only):
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<interval x="10" y="14.1155607415243584888223696987094362306"/>
<interval x="10" y="27.2574271976039591982711142331954001295"/>
<interval x="30" y="33.7147910106524433624672477551503835313"/>
<interval x="40" y="46.844920420920822280815378491005656766"/>
<interval x="50" y="61.30421963829719394371538034317434986025"/>
Then the XSLT to coalesce these intervals will look about like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
<xsl:output indent="yes"/>
<!-- I could have named this template "start-recursion", but it's
convenient to be able to set the context node. -->
<xsl:template match="interval">
<xsl:call-template name="coalesce-intervals">
<xsl:with-param name="next-interval" select="."/>
<xsl:with-param name="from" select="number(@x)" tunnel="yes"/>
<xsl:with-param name="to" select="number(@y)" tunnel="yes"/>
<xsl:template name="coalesce-intervals">
<xsl:param name="next-interval" as="element(interval)?"/>
<xsl:param name="from" as="xs:double" tunnel="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="to" as="xs:double" tunnel="yes"/>
<!-- Stop the recursion. -->
<xsl:when test="not($next-interval)">
<interval x="{$from}" y="{$to}"/>
<!-- The current coalesced interval overlaps this one, so move on. -->
<xsl:when test="$to gt number($next-interval/@x)">
<xsl:call-template name="coalesce-intervals">
<xsl:with-param name="next-interval" select="$next-interval/following-sibling::interval[1]"/>
<!-- Extend the current interval if possible (hence max). -->
<xsl:with-param name="to" select="max((number($next-interval/@y), $to))" tunnel="yes"/>
<!-- No more to coalesce. Output the "accumulator" and start again. -->
<interval x="{$from}" y="{$to}"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="$next-interval"/>
<xsl:template match="/intervals">
<xsl:apply-templates select="interval[1]"/>
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